SEO’s full form is search engine optimization and it is used to increase the traffic on your website, not only the quantity but also the quality of the traffic, and these are organic searches mainly(I am using the word ‘mainly’ just to avoid any offence to anyone or someone having a different perception). This is the definition and it is similar to what Wikipedia suggests.
SEO definition as per Wikipedia – Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines. SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.
Now lets deep dive into it and understand the meaning of SEO but before we have to ask a question: Why we need the SEO on our website?
And the simplest answer would be to get leads through it so that we can change it into opportunities/customers/business and thus generating revenues to sustain and grow our business.
What exactly goes into the SEO?
To answer that question, we have to break the definition of SEO and then understand:
SEO is mainly done to increase:
1. Quantity of the traffic on our website/webpage.
2. Quality of the traffic on our website/webpage.
3. The number of organic traffic(unpaid) on our webpage/website.
You can check the below image to have a better understanding and you can also check the same for your region.

How much time does SEO take to rank our website on top of search engines like on Google, Bing, etc.?
It is really difficult for someone to tell you the exact timing as SEO depends on multiple factors and it is a long-term strategy for generating leads/inquiries. It depends on the search engines, like from which keywords it is going to rank your website and on which number. You will know more about keywords and rankings by reading this blog and I will also tell you the ways to get easily ranked your website from multiple keywords and on the top of Google/Bing search engine.
Why should we go with SEO instead of Paid marketing like PPC?
SEO is a long term strategy but it has a better conversion rate as compared to PPC and other marketing tools. Since it generates leads via unpaid/organic traffic so it has a higher chance that mainly relevant customers will come through it. Another reason is, in paid marketing, you have to spend the money on a regular basis while in SEO, once your website is ranked and is stable, it will remain there for many weeks. There are dozens of other good reasons to go with the SEO and I will write a detailed blog at a later stage.
In our next blog, I will tell you about how SEO works in detail. Till then stay tuned and read my other blogs. You may also visit my company Apptians to reach out to me directly for any queries or for SEO related works.
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