In the off-page SEO optimization stage, all actions take place outside the site and have as main goal the obtaining of as many quality links as possible.
In fact, according to the SEO dictionary compiled by the famous site, an authority in the field of online marketing, SEO off-page “represents all the measures that can be taken outside the site in order to improve its position in the results. All these measures help to create as many quality backlinks as possible.”
At this point, the first obvious question arises. Why is it necessary to have so many links in order for the site to be positioned in the search engines as well as possible?
For Google, as well as for other search engines – Bing, Yandex or Baidu – these links are practically the main way in which they can differentiate sites and give them better or less good positions in search results. All these links are seen by search engines as votes of confidence from other sites.
The more votes and especially, the more votes from relevant, strong sites, seen as true authorities in their field of activity the better.
We can say practically that, equally, quantity, diversity and quality are the three indispensable ingredients of a backlinking campaign and implicitly of an effective off-page optimization campaign.
Naturally, there are now a lot of questions about how we can get these links.

Who trusts to provide us with such links if we have a new site? Which links are more relevant? Can we get such links for a fee? How do we choose the sites we want to link to? To which pages of our site should these links be? What anchors should we use for these links? And the list of questions can go on.
The answers to these questions actually make up the whole off-page optimization strategy for any SEO optimization campaign.
However, the key question in the whole off-page SEO optimization process is:
Why would a site, regardless of its relevance in search engines, agree to cite us even more than that to place a link to our site?
The answer is simple: because we deserve it !
And, in order to deserve to be quoted everywhere on the internet, we must offer quality content. That is why we will continue to discuss Content Marketing.
Content Marketing is an essential element of the off-page optimization campaign
The concept of content marketing is not a new one. If we look deeper into the history of this concept we will see that its beginnings are found in 1895, when the famous company John Deere launched the first magazine dedicated to its customers “The Furrow”. This is one of the most eloquent examples of offline content marketing.
Today, however, most content marketing campaigns have moved to the online environment. It is a natural step because our potential clients have shifted their attention and implicitly consume their time on the internet.
Next, we will present the most effective methods to attract attention, to efficiently distribute our content and to gain as many links as possible:
Social Media

Facebook has managed to gather over 2.8 billion users in just a few years. All of them interact faster, easier, give likes to attractive posts and some even share so that their friends can see what kind of content they appreciate.
Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and many other networks of this type that help people interact more capture the attention and time of potential customers at an alert pace. Intuitively, much of the content marketing campaign’s efforts should be focused on social media.
Creating and distributing infographics
Used properly, it can become one of the most viral tools for gaining quality links. It is neither easy nor cheap to think and implement a quality infographic, but the results can be beyond expectations.
Video Content
It is already proven that people process information in video format much faster. Create an interesting video about the products/services you offer, upload it on YouTube, Facebook or other media that allow this and the results will not be a long in coming.
Placing relevant articles in known or niche publications
In a world saturated with information, the content we create must be quality and just as important to be placed there are the greatest chances to be read and appreciated.
On the same note as with SEO on-page optimization, any action related to the off-page optimization process must empathize with our potential customers. We need to create that content that appeals to them, that interests them and place it where they spend the most time.
The 5 methods presented above represent only a part of the off-page optimization. The off-page optimization strategy will contain other elements, such as relevant forum posts, subscriptions in specialized business catalogues, business reviews, etc. Thus, the whole approach will be a natural, organic one and the results of the SEO services will be as expected.
Want to know more about off-page optimization? Do not hesitate to contact us!